Party • Charter


  1. The Bright Armenia Party (hereinafter referred to as the “Party”) is a public association based on individual membership that operates on the principles of membership in volunteering, self-government, equality of members, legality, democracy, publicity, transparency and freedom of expression of initiatives.
  2. The Party is a legal entity, enjoys all the rights granted by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter “RA”), and fulfills the duties defined by them. The Party, its territorial and structural subdivisions act on the basis and in accordance with the Charter of the Party (hereinafter the “Charter”).
  3. The Party is governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Parties”, other laws of the Republic of Armenia, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia, other normative legal acts and this Charter, as well as the Party Program.
  4. Party Name:
    • In Armenian: «Լուսավոր Հայաստան» կուսակցություն (abbreviated ԼՀԿ);
    • In Russian: Партия "Просвещенная Армения" (abbreviated ППА);
    • In English:  “Bright Armenia” Party (abbreviated BAP).
  5. The Party has an emblem, form, seal, bank accounts, including in foreign currency.
  6. The Party’s emblem is a three-person white silhouette, the first is holding a flaming torch in his hands, three of them are looking left at the torch, their eyes are directed upwards. The emblem is displayed either in white on a purple background, or in purple on a white background. The symbols on the right are the words "Bright Armenia."
  7. The legal address of the party: Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Marshal Baghramian Street, Building 1, Apartment 24.


  1. The goal of the party is to develop democratic institutions on the basis of liberal ideas, build its infrastructure and improve what is happening, participate in referendums, participate in elections of state and local governments, as well as participate in public life and other forms of political life, Formation.
  2. The party sees the following tasks facing its activities:
    • Establishing a balanced struggle in the political system by developing mechanisms of mutual discrimination and balancing;
    • Creating a new political culture;
    • Realization of permanent political changes in the Republic of Armenia;
    • Based on the slogan “Youth is a gift to Armenia”, political fixation of the civic potential of young people by creating a free field of activity, as well as providing young people with realistic levers, resources and opportunities to practice their own ideas and knowledge in politics and management in practice;
    • Formation of the institute of the electorate, which will replace the voter;
    • Facilitating the formation of the European model of the Republic of Armenia and the continuation of European integration, up to full membership in the EU;
    • Formation of socio-economic, state-legal and political mechanisms in the Republic of Armenia, which will make Armenia the center of vital interests for all Armenians all over the world;
    • Guided by the principle “Politics as a virtue and a way to make human life happy” and promoting the ideas of enlightenment, promoting Armenian political thought in the world and becoming a self-sufficient representative of the civilized world;
    • Facilitating the creation of institutions in the political system by focusing on institutions rather than individuals;
    • Political socialization and the formation of a political culture through which political knowledge and information can be disseminated among the public, making citizens responsible for political rights;
    • Preserving and spreading elements of the Armenian national identity, promoting the development of the Armenian nation and its culture,
    • Ensuring all components of national security and strengthening the state sovereignty of the Republic of Armenia.


  1. A member of a political party can be a capable citizen of the Republic of Armenia who has reached the age of 18, who accepts the Program and the Charter of the Party and is not a member of another party. The founders or members of the party cannot be persons defined by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On the Party".
  2. The party is entered on a voluntary basis, individually, on a personal request, by decision of the Board of Governors of the Party or the District Council of the Party, as well as the Council of Yerevan.
  3. A member of the party pays a membership fee, the amount and procedure for payment are determined by the Board of Governors of the Party.
  4. If membership in the Party is not possible in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia, it shall be suspended on the basis of an application by a member of the party by a decision of the governing board of the Party or the District Council of the Party or the Public Council. The suspension is removed in the same manner.
  5. A member of a political party has the right to:
    • elect and be elected leader of the Party and its territorial divisions, as well as representative and governing bodies (Political Council, Board of Governors);
    • attend meetings of the Party Congress;
    • to get acquainted with the protocols of the Party bodies, to receive copies of the decisions taken by them;
    • obtain information on the activities of the Party and its governing bodies;
    • receive copies of documents, amendments to the Charter of the Party, funds received from property management, as well as receiving a report of an independent auditor on the verification of the financial statements of the Party;
    • submit initiatives and proposals on various issues of social and political life of the governing bodies of the Party;
    • participate in a meeting or session where his personal questions or proposals are discussed, to express his opinion on the issues being discussed;
    • appeal against decisions and actions of the structural units of the Party in the higher bodies of the Party;
    • voluntarily terminate their membership in the Party;
    • suspend and restore their membership in the Party;
    • enjoy other rights provided by law and this Charter.
  6. Party member must:
    • act within the Charter of the Party;
    • make decisions of the party congress, higher authorities and program regulations;
    • to participate in meetings and events of the Party;
    • perform other duties provided for by law and this Charter.
  7. Terms and conditions for losing party membership:
    • Party membership is terminated:
      • in other cases stipulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, Law “On Parties”, other laws and this Charter.
      • in case of loss of citizenship of the Republic of Armenia;
      • in case of dissolution of the Party;
      • in case of death;
      • in case of expulsion from the Party;
      • in case of withdrawal from the party on request;

The application for termination of membership is made by the Board of Governors of the Party, the Regional Council, the Council of Yerevan, which take an appropriate decision. In the event of suspension or termination of membership, the governing body of the Party, the regional Council, the Public Council or the Council of Yerevan decide to exclude a member from the Party or to terminate his membership in the Party.

A member of a political Party may be brought to disciplinary responsibility for failure to fulfill his duties, failure to perform, deficiencies in the disciplinary proceedings in the Party and failure to comply with decisions of the higher authorities of the Party. Party members may be subject to disciplinary action by the governing body of the Party, the regional Council, the Public Council or the Council of Yerevan. The following types of disciplinary liability can be applied:

  • reprimand;
  • severe reprimand;
  • expulsion from the Party.


  1. The party has the right to:
    • The party has the exclusive right to nominate candidates for MPs of the National Assembly, as well as members of the Council of Elders of Yerevan, Gyumri and Vanadzor;
    • Participate in local government elections, the preparation and conduct of referenda;
    • Create territorial and structural divisions, representations and to liquidate them;
    • Disseminate information about its activities, to disseminate its goals and objectives;
    • Use the media created by state bodies and local self-government bodies in the manner established by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Television and Radio";
    • Create media and publishers;
    • Organize meetings and public events;
    • Enter into alliances with other parties;
    • Have civil rights and incur liabilities;
    • Establish and maintain international contacts and contacts with foreign parties and associations, to join international associations;
    • Carry out other activities not prohibited by law;
    • Acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights in its own name, incur obligations, act as a plaintiff or a defendant in court.
  2. The party must:
    • Comply with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the Charter, the Program and the decisions of the Party;
    • Annually publish a property report on the official website of the Republic of Armenia at, which indicates the sources of its formation;
    • In the event of participation in elections within five days after the statutory period for registering party lists, submit to the Central Election Commission declarations on the ownership and income of the Party (party union, parties included in them).


The structural bodies of the Party are the Party Congress, the Political Council of the Party, the Board of Governors of the Party, the Chairman of the Party, the Deputy Chairman, the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, the Control Committee, structural and territorial divisions. The territorial divisions of the Party include regional and municipal councils, the Council of Yerevan. The Board of Governors of the Party creates and dissolves the structural units of the Party (specialized committees). Structural subdivisions are the committees created to solve a specific problem, and the procedure for their creation, liquidation, composition, structure and activity are determined by the relevant Charter and resolution of the Board of Governors. The terms of reference of the Party Congress, the governing bodies of the Party are determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Parties”, this Charter and other legal acts of the Republic of Armenia. The order of formation and dissolution of the regional and municipal councils of the Party and the Council of Yerevan is determined by the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On the Parties”, this Charter and the “Procedure for the formation of regional, municipal and Yerevan Councils, which is approved by the Board of Governors of the Party. The powers of the Party’s Control Committee are determined by this Charter and the “Procedure for the Election and Formation of a Control Committee,” which is approved by the Party Congress.

Party Congress

The highest governing body of the Party is the Party Congress (hereinafter referred to as the "Congress"), which convenes once every four years. All party members have the right to participate in the Congress. The next Congress is convened by decision of the Board of Governors, which is compiled by a simple majority vote. Delegates of the Congress are nominated by regional councils and the Council of Yerevan. The Congress is competent, if present (registered) at least half of the total number of delegates, but not less than 100 delegates. Decisions on the approval and adoption of the Party’s Charter, amendments and supplements thereto, except for amendments and additions made to the RA Law “On Parties”, formation of executive and control bodies, election of the head of the permanent governing body, reorganization, dissolution of the Party numbers Other decisions of the Congress shall be taken by open or secret ballot by a majority of the votes of the present (registered) delegates at the Congress in cases provided for by this Statute.

The extraordinary Party Congress may convene 2/3 of the members of the Board of Governors or 1/5 of the members of the Party.

Party congress:

  • discusses the Party Program, proposed amendments to the Constitution;
  • approves the Charter of the Party, amendments and additions to it;
  • accepts the Party Program, the attached documents;
  • approves the report of the Chairman of the party on the activities of the Party;
  • elects the Board of Governors of the Party;
  • elects the Chairman of the Party;
  • approves the form and procedure for the formation of the Control Committee, the number and composition of the committee;
  • elects the members of the Control Committee;
  • approves the report of the Party’s Control Committee;
  • decides on the reorganization and / or dissolution of the Party.

Political Council of the Party

The Political Council of the Party is the representative body of the Party.

The Political Council of the Party of the following persons for a term of office:

  • Party Chairman;
  • Members of the Board of Governors of the Party;
  • Chairmen of regional councils and the Council of Yerevan;
  • Heads of structural units of the Party.

The Political Council may also be supplemented by other members of the Party on the basis of a personal statement based on the decision of the Political Council, which is adopted by two-thirds of the votes in open ballot for a two-year term. The term may be extended by decision of the Political Council after the expiration of the term of office. The number of members provided by the decision of the Political Council cannot exceed ten during the calendar year. Advanced members can be expelled from the Political Council by a decision of the Council, which is 2/3 of votes cast by open vote.

The political council of the party carries out its activities by convening meetings, making decisions, implementing them and implementing the decisions of the Congress.

The meeting of the Political Council is convened at the initiative of the Chairman of the Party or 2/3 of the members of the Board of Governors of the Party at least once every six months. An extraordinary session of the Political Council may be convened at the initiative of the Chairman of the Party or 2/3 of the members of the Political Council. The Chairman of the Party is headed by the Political Council of the Party; in the absence of the Chairman of the Party, the Political Council is headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Party. A quorum is present if more than half of the members are present at the meeting. Decisions are made by simple majority of the total number of votes of the members of the Political Council, by open voting, unless otherwise provided by this Statute, the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Parties" or the Congress.

The Political Council is accountable to the Congress.

The Political Council:

  • oversees the process of the Congress and its decisions and makes a summary;
  • approves the strategy of the Party, adopts action plans;
  • makes statements on behalf of the Party;
  • approves the main activities of the faction of the Party in the National Assembly;
  • approves the election program of the Party, candidates for deputies of the National Assembly and political appointments or candidates for elections;
  • approves national and territorial election lists;
  • decides to take part in elections to the National Assembly by the Alliance, or to form an alliance with other parliamentary forces;
  • decides to supplement the Political Council with other Party members, which is adopted by a simple majority by open vote,
  • decides to cooperate with political parties of other countries, to join international organizations;
  • decides to submit an application to the Congress at the request of the Chairman of the Party for resignation on the basis of a decision taken by members of the Political Council at least 4/5 of the members of the Political Council;
  • may initiate reorganization and / or liquidation of the party;
  • listens and approves reports of regional and municipil councils, the Council of Yerevan, structural units, the annual report of the Board of Governors and the annual report of the Director for Research.

Board of Governors of the Party

The Board of Governors is the permanent executive body of the Party, whose members are elected by the Congress for four years by open vote. Candidates selected by a majority of the total number of delegates to the Congress are considered elected. The Chairman of the Party heads the Board of Governors, and in his absence the Deputy Chairman of the Party. The Board of Governors carries out its activities through the sessions, decisions and decisions of the Congress. The Board of Governors is accountable to the Congress. Sessions of the Board of Governors are convened at least once a month. An extraordinary session may be convened at the initiative of the Chairman of the Party or at least 1/3 of the members of the executive body of the Party. A quorum is present if more than half of the members are present at the meeting. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes of the total number of members of the Governing Council by open vote, unless otherwise provided by this Statute, the Law of the Republic of Armenia on the Parties or the Congress.

The Board of Governors:

  • elects the Deputy Chairman of the Party and the Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee amongst its members by open vote through simple majority;
  • carries out day-to-day leadership of the Party, develops the tactics of the Party, makes decisions;
  • organizes, manages and controls the decisions of the Congress;
  • invites to the next Party Congress, prepares and organizes its holding,
  • decides to convene an extraordinary Party Congress on the initiative of 2/3 of the members of the Governing Council or on the proposal of 1/5 of the members of the Party;
  • decides on the approval of the draft agenda of the Congress, approves the date of the Congress, the list and the total number of delegates;
  • develops and submits to the Congress for approval amendments to the Constitution and the Program and other relevant documents;
  • prepares changes and additions to the Charter of the Party and the Program;
  • decides on the appointment of heads of state bodies, bodies of local self-government and the council of elders;
  • develops and submits national and territorial electoral lists for approval by the Political Council, the leaders of all regional and structural subdivisions of the party;
  • discusses and submits to the Political Council for approval the election programs of the Party;
  • creates and separates the territorial divisions of the Party (regional and local councils, Yerevan Council), controls their work;
  • creates and disorganizes the structural subdivisions of the Party (specialized committees), appoints their supervisory and supervisory bodies, controls their work, elects the Director of the Party Research Center by a simple majority vote, by open vote of four years;
  • approves the Procedure for the formation of regional, municipal and Yerevan councils (territorial divisions) of the Bright Armenia Party, the Procedure for the formation of the Research Center of the Bright Armenia Party, the Procedure for the formation and functioning of structural subdivisions (specialized committees), the Procedure for managing the property of the Bright Armenia Party, the Order collection of membership fees of the party "Bright Armenia", as well as changes made to it;
  • accepts and approves applications for joining the Party, applications for leaving the party, applies concessions and penalties to Party members, established by the Charter;
  • approves the staffing and the rate of the work of the employees of the Party;
  • at least once a year, submit a report on his activities to the Political Council;
  • makes statements on behalf of the Party;
  • resolves all issues relating to the activities of the Party, which are not fixed by the Charter to the Chairman or the Political Council of the Party;
  • approves the annual budget of the Party;
  • based on the approved annual budget, approves the cost estimates of the Party;
  • determines the size of the membership fee and the order of payments;
  • discusses the annual performance report of the Party;
  • exercises other authoritIes of the Party as a legal entity.

Party Chairman:

  • Candidates for Party Chairs are nominated by delegates to the Congress;
  • The candidate who receives maximum votes of the total number of delegates of the Congress is elected as the Chairman of the Party by an open vote;
  • Party Chairman is elected for a term of four years;
  • only the Party Congress has the right to recall the Chairman of the Party on the basis of a decision adopted by at least 4/5 of the members of the Political Council of the Party;
  • carries out the general management of the Party;
  • is a member of the political and administrative councils of the Party;
  • invites and chairs sessions of the Political Council and the governing body of the Party;
  • in the absence of the Chairman of the Party, he / she is replaced by the Deputy Chairman of the Party;
  • guarantees the implementation of decisions of the Congress and the Board of Governors;
  • represents the Party without power of attorney on its behalf;
  • provides the Board of Governors with the staffing and salaries of party workers;
  • recruits and dismisses eployees of the Party;
  • submit reports to the Congress on the activities of the Party;
  • within its jurisdiction makes decisions on current issues of the Party’s activities and signs orders, orders and other necessary documents, concludes agreements and agreements on behalf of the Party;
  • submits to the Board of Governors for consideration and approval the annual budget of the Party;
  • submits to the Board of Governors an estimate of expenses for approval;
  • manages the property and assets of the Party;
  • exercise other powers entrusted to him by the Charter and Congress.

Deputy Chairman of the Party

The deputy chairman of the party is elected from among the members of the governing council of the members of the council by open voting by a simple majority vote of four years. Supports the Party Chairman for the effective exercise of his or her authority. The deputy chairman of the party carries out the organizational work of the meetings and is responsible for registering the meetings. In the absence of the Chairman of the Party replaces him.

Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee

The secretary of the committee on foreign affairs is elected by the members of the Board of Governors from among the members of the Council by open vote by a simple majority of four-year term. The Secretary coordinates the cooperation of the Party with foreign partners, international organizations, diplomatic missions and foundations in Armenia. The secretary discusses with the Chairman of the Party the representation of the Party in the above-mentioned structures and supports the activities of non-governmental organizations, youth organizations, foundations and educational institutions supporting the Party.

Regional and Municipal Party Councils

Regional and municipal councils are formed by a decision of the Board of Governors. Members of the Council can become members of the Council in a given region or municipality on the basis of applications for self-nomination or nomination of candidates submitted by them by decision of the Board of Governors.

Regional and municipal councils work on a permanent basis and may have their own offices and staff. Taking into account the number of members and supporters of the Party in one marz, the Party may have one regional and more than one municipal council. Regional and municipal councils of the Party carry out their activities by convening meetings, making decisions and implementing decisions of the Congress, the Councils and the Chairman of the Party.

Meetings of regional and municipal councils of the Party are convened at least once a month. A quorum is present if more than half of the members of the regional or municipal council attend the meeting. Decisions are taken by simple majority of votes of the total number of votes cast by members of the regional or municipal council. The meetings of the Regional Council are chaired by the Chairman of the Regional Council, in the absence of him / her - the Secretary of the Regional Council. Meetings of the municipal council are chaired by the chairman of the municipal council, in the absence of him / her - the secretary of the municipal council.

The regional or municipal councils of the Party are accountable to the Political Council of the Party, and the annual report is submitted by the Chairman of the regional council. Regional and municipal party councils may accept applications for membership in the Party, approve applications for membership and exclude members in cases stipulated by the Party Charter.

Regional and municipal councils of the Party elect the Chairman, Secretary and Observer of the regional and municipal councils.

Regional councils represent delegates to the Party Congress with relevant decisions.

The decision on the election of the Chairman of the regional or municipal council of the Party is taken by a simple majority of the votes cast. The chairman of the regional or municipal council is elected for four years by open vote. A quorum is present if more than half of the council members are present at a meeting of regional and municipal councils.

Chairman of the Regional Council of the Party:

  • administers the regional council;
  • invites and holds meetings of the regional council;
  • directs the organization and execution of work assigned to the party executive body;
  • presents the decisions of the governing bodies of the Party to members of the regional council, provides a process for collecting proposals and complaints;
  • reports annually on the activities of the regional council to the Political Council of the Party;
  • performs other duties assigned to him by the Congress, the Chairman or the Councils of the Party.

Chairman of the Municipal Council:

  • administers the municipal council;
  • invites and holds meetings of the municipal council;
  • directs the organization and execution of work assigned to the party executive body;
  • presents the decisions of the governing bodies of the Party to members of the municipal council, provides a process for collecting proposals and complaints;
  • provides an annual report on the activities of the municipal council to the regional council of the region;
  • performs other duties assigned to him by the Congress, the Chairman or the Councils of the Party.

The secretary of the regional or municipal council draws up the minutes of the meetings and replaces him / her in the absence of the Chairman of the regional or municipal council, as well as performs other functions assigned to him / her by the Party Councils. The secretary of the regional or municipal council is elected by the regional or municipal council for a term of four years by a simple majority of the total number of council members by open vote.

The regional and municipal council of the party elects the Observer by open voting for a four-year term by a simple majority of the total number of council members.

An observer may not be a member of a regional or municipal council or a member of other structural subdivisions of the Party.

The regional or municipal council of the Party oversees the process of forming and spending funds of the territorial division of the Party, the conformity of Party members to the political and ideological lines of the Party, controls the disposal, possession and use of the Party’s property at the regional and municipal levels and performs other functions assigned by the Party’s Control Committee.

The order of formation, activity of the regional or municipal council of the party, the election of its members, the Chairman and the Secretary is governed by a separate procedure approved by the Board of Governors of the party.

Council of Yerevan

The Council of Yerevan is formed by the decision of the Board of Governors. Members of the Yerevan city community can become members of the Council on the basis of their own applications for nomination or appointment, submitted by the Board of Governors, for a period of four years.

The Council of Yerevan operates on a permanent basis, can have its office (s) and its staff. The Council of Yerevan carries out its activities by convening meetings, taking decisions and implementing them, as well as implementing the decisions of the Congress, the Soviets and the Chairman of the Party.

The Council of Yerevan represents the delegates to the Party Congress.

Sessions of the Council of Yerevan are convened at least once a month. There is a quorum if more than half of the members of the Council of Yerevan are present at the meeting. Decisions are taken by simple majority of votes of the total number of votes cast by open vote. The meetings of the Council of Yerevan are chaired by the Chairman of the Council of Yerevan, and in his / her absence, the Secretary of the Council of Yerevan.

The Council of Yerevan is accountable to the Political Council of the Party, and its annual report is submitted by the Chairman of the Council of Yerevan. The Council of Yerevan can accept applications for membership in the Party, approve applications for membership and exclude members in cases stipulated by the Charter of the Party.

The Council of Yerevan elects its Chairman, Secretary and Observer.

The decision on the election of the Chairman of the Council of Yerevan is made by a simple majority of votes of the members present during the voting. The Chairman of the Council is elected for a term of four years by open vote. There is a quorum if more than half of the board members are present at the meeting of the Council of Yerevan.

Chairman of the Yerevan Party Council:

  • manages the Council of Yerevan;
  • invites and holds meetings of the Council of Yerevan;
  • manages the organization and execution of work assigned to the party executive body;
  • presents the decisions of the governing bodies of the Party to the members of the Council of Yerevan, provides them with the process of collecting proposals and complaints;
  • provides an annual report on the activities of the Council of Yerevan to the Political Council of the Party;
  • performs other duties assigned to him by the Congress, the Chairman or the Councils of the Party.

The Secretary of the Council of Yerevan draws up minutes of meetings, and in the absence of the Chairman of the Council of Yerevan replaces him / her, as well as performs other functions assigned to him by the Councils of the Party. The Secretary of the Council of Yerevan is elected by the Council of Yerevan from its composition for a four-year term by a simple majority of the total number of Council members.

The Council of Yerevan elects the Observer by open vote for a four-year term by a simple majority of the total number of Council members.

An observer may not be a member of the Council of Yerevan or a member of other structural subdivisions of the Party.

The Supervisor of the Council of Yerevan oversees the territorial division of the Party over the processes of formation and expenditure of funds, over the party members' observance of the political and ideological attitudes of the Party, controls the property management of the Party, its ownership and use at the community level and performs other functions assigned to it by the Party’s Control Committee.

Party Research Center

The Research Center is an advisory body of the Party, whose main task is to conduct political, economic, analytical and research activities, as well as advising the Board of Governors of the Party on their basis. Research Center staff can be impartial. The Director of the Research Center is elected by the Board of Governors of the Party by a simple majority by open vote for a four-year term.

The Director of the Research Center coordinates the work of the Research Center, concludes cooperation agreements, manages the property and financial resources provided by the Party to the Research Center, reports annually to the Political Council of the Party and the Control Committee, inviting the Party Chairman to conclude labor contracts and perform other functions assigned to him by the Councils.

The director of the research center makes decisions individually.

Specialized Party committees (structural units)

Specialized committees of the Party are formed by the Board of Governors of the Party. The number of specialized committees of the Party is not stable. Their number, as well as the composition and number of members may be changed by the Board of Governors of the Party. The head of the specialized committee of the Party is appointed by the Board of Governors of the Party. The head of the specialized committee of the Party coordinates the work of the committee, follows the instructions of the Board of Governors of the Party, reports to the Board of Governors of the Party and reports to the Political Council of the Party and the Control Committee.

The composition of the specialized party committee, especially the organizational activities are regulated separately.


  1. The Control committee is elected by the Congress for four years in order to control the activities of the Party.
  2. A member of the Control Committee may not be a member of the Board of Governors of the Party, a leader or a member of territorial divisions and specialized committees of the Party.
  3. The supervising committee is accountable to the Party Congress.
  4. The Control committee controls the processes of formation and expenditure of funds of the Party, the compliance of the activities of members of the Party with the political and ideological line of the Party, the Research Center, the activities of the specialized committees of the Party, the management process, the ownership and use of property by the Party and other functions assigned by the Party Congress.


  1. The property of the Party, including buildings, vehicles and other property necessary for carrying out program and statutory tasks, arises from donations, activities carried out in the prescribed manner, and other sources not prohibited by law.
  2. The party is the owner of the property received and / or acquired by the Party, as well as received at its own expense.
  3. The funds are formed at the expense of membership fees, donations, budget financing in accordance with the law, civil law transactions and other income not prohibited by law.
  4. The property and means of the Party are governed by the Chairman of the Party.
  5. The territorial and structural subdivisions of the Party own and use the property allocated by the Party, to the extent and in the manner established by the Board of Governors of the Party.


  1. The reorganization and / or liquidation of the Party may be made by decision of the Party Congress in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia and this Charter. A party can be reorganized (merged, divided) from another party (parties).
  2. The political council of the Party or at least 2/3 of the delegates to the Congress may, upon written request, have the right to reorganize and / or liquidate the party.
  3. The decision on the reorganization and / or liquidation of the Party is made by a majority vote of the total number of elected members of the Party Congress by open voting.
  4. In case of a decision by the Congress on the liquidation of the Party, a liquidation commission is created, which manages the property and funds of the Party in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, and also carries out activities related to the liquidation of the Party. The property remaining after the dissolution of the Party is transferred to a non-governmental organization, foundation or the Republic of Armenia, registered by decision of the Party Congress.
  5. If the Congress refuses to liquidate the party, a corresponding decision is taken, the membership of the Party members who initiated the liquidation is terminated, and, if necessary, new elections are held.


2021 Parliamentary elections
2018 Parliamentary elections
2018 Avagani Elections of Yerevan
2017 Avagani Elections of Yerevan
2017 Parliamentary elections
Anahit Karapetyan
Edmon Marukyan
Srbuhi Grigoryan
Karen Simonyan
Serge Khahramanyan
Astghik Avetiqyan
Hrant Ayvazyan
Armen Yeghiazaryan