Bright Armenia Party welcomes the lifting of sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic of Iran
January 18, 2016
Bright Armenia Party welcomes the lifting of sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic of Iran by the West. We are assured that the historic agreement reached by the United States and the European Union may radically alter the current course of developments not only in the world but also in our region increasing the peace, stability and security component.
The reached agreement creates new opportunities for further deepening of cooperation with friendly Iran. Iran’s active participation in regional processes may ensure new economic perspectives not only for Armenia but also for and between the countries in the region.
The return of Iran into the world market of energy resources will assist in the increase of Armenia’s energy security and in diversification of our economy.
The Bright Armenia Party believes that official Yerevan should take the necessary initiative for strengthening the relations with Iran in political, economic, cultural and other spheres.

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