Political financing

While talking about political activities a question immediately pops up regarding  how and where the financial resources should be raised from and how we are going to tackle this issue.

During the short history of independent Armenia the political parties formed in the country as matter of fact have never publicized their financial turnovers, moreover, none of them has disclosed the sources of funding and to what extent those were in compliance with the RA legislation. In addition, we have seen cases when a whole political party has relied on the financial capital of the leader or of individual party members, who have solved various issues with their own funds, but whenever those wealthy leaders ended their political careers their political parties faced serious financial problems, which usually remained unsolved leading the political party to a passive stage.

This is an unhealthy situation, not to say more, and the society would be expected to struggle against such phenomena, however, since a part of the society has been receiving so called “financial aid” from those political parties in form of electoral bribes or otherwise, they refrained from analyzing the sources of funds without estimating the risks laying behind.

As a result of this we have come to a situation where the society does not have any participation in forming the financial respurces of political parties, no oversight over the turnover of those funds, and consequently the parties are not obliged to be accountable to the society about their financial flows and the State is just watching at all of this from aside, without taking any steps towards bringing the situation in compliance with the RA legislation, which is natural and unfortunate for today’s realities. By the way, there is similar situation with the State Budget, which in this case is of course formed by the society, however, the acknowledgement of public supervision is still considered something weird.

When trying to answer the above-mentioned question from another perspective a brand new question might be posed as well; why do the parties need financial resources? First of all, every political party seeks to have finances in order to spread the word of its ideas and activities among the electorate. But who says that it is an expensive initiative in the 21st century? Moreover, in many cases it may be done free of charge and very accessible for everyone. Therefore, the need for large financial resources may be considered closed at least in this matter. As for resources required for maintaining general operation of a political party these are actually not too big, and raising such funds is quite realistic.

What do we propose and kind of model of party fundraising do we envisage for ensuring high level of responsibility and accountability before the society in this regard.

By relying on the principles of financial literacy we hereby propose a very attractive investment plan, which is used in a number of developed countries throughout the world and the profitability of which is proven by years of experience. We, the representatives of “Bright Armenia”, propose investing in politics and standing behind the political parties making them serve to the solution of our problems. The solution of problems will indeed improve the security of financial resources of different layers of population and eventually promoting their increase. Funding a political party is an investment directed towards the future therefore the stronger is the basis of the party the more functioning will the solutions be proposed by the latter, the brighter will be the future and the more profitable the investments will be that you make. On the other hand, the party itself will be forced to be accountable to the society and will strive to solve various problems concerning different layers of the society, hence improving their welfare.

As long as the issue of society’s participation in the funding of political parties is not solved and until every citizen decides to personally supervise a party’s activities, we can only dream about the responsibility expected from the other side.

We propose investing in the future and the whole supervision over this process we hand over to you as investors.

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2021 Parliamentary elections
2018 Parliamentary elections
2018 Avagani Elections of Yerevan
2017 Avagani Elections of Yerevan
2017 Parliamentary elections
Gohar Matevosyan
Koryun Shekoyan
Ruzanna Harutunyan
Hrant Ayvazyan
Astghik Avetiqyan
Gevorg Gorgisyan
Edmon Marukyan
Anahit Karapetyan